UUCP Spoofing This technique is used to fool UUCP on a UNIX (or similar) server. 1. Telnet to port 25 of your localhost. 2. Try very hard not to type "helo". 3. Type: telnet 4. At the "telnet>" prompt, type: open localhost port 25 5. Type: rcpt to {address of fake mailee} (enter) 6. Type: mail from {the fake address you want} (enter) 7. Type: data (enter) 8. If you are unfamiliar with UNIX, the first line in the message will be the subject line. 9. Type in the message you want to send. 10. When you want to send your message type "." on an empty line. 11. Type "quit". So the entire thing will look like this... (All the crap about the server and login) telnet telnet> open localhost port 25 /* "telnet>" is the prompt. */ rcpt to vicepresident@whitehouse.gov /* The mailees address */ mail from president@whitehouse.gov /* The address you wish to spoof */ data Seasons Greetings /* Mail subject */ Merry Christmas from everyone's friend... Uncle Willy! /* Mail body */ . quit Remember, this is traceable by any Administrator on the system...Harrassment will get you in trouble. If you can, telnet to the site where the mailee has his or her account. This still works as far as I know...I use this on several different systems and I haven't had any trouble. 4/22/97 ******************** * THE WEASEL * **** **** * weasel@yatho.com * ********************